Monday, September 30, 2013

Paranoid or wise, corporate philosophies, their fate!


265 B.C., king Ashoka ruled the single undivided kingdom from Sri Lanka to Afghanistan. This paranoid king fought and won several battles or wars. Often corporate philosophies like "only paranoid survive" or "demanding perfectionist", "rule over the world and moon" are few such examples. These examples showcase the paranoid or war derived behavior. Are these mere extensions of Darwins theory of "survival of the fittest"? The battle of Kalinga was Ashoka's final battle, this battle made him much wiser or extremely emotional. He lost interest in kingdom, he also cared less to choose the right successor for the kingdom. Most of the original eastern philosophies were full of emotions and wise behavior.


In the midst of paranoid corporate philosophies, often there are fresh messages popping up. These fresh messages are based on works of "8 habit: Wisdom by Stephan Covey" or "Emotional Intelligence". Does this help make the paranoid behavior any milder? If yes, what for? Paranoids perish, so does the wise, former contributes to history and later care not.



The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.